Next issue

March 2022

With the most optimistic of mindsets, one can only hope that in the year – and years – ahead, the demand for shipping will inevitably increase.

There is at the same time undoubtedly a huge motivation to curb carbon emissions and create more sustainable practices. So, how will all of these factors affect shipbuilding and design? What about the materials used in shipbuilding? Will we see new alternative fuels? Can we further streamline efficiency? We'll be finding out in the next issue.

The whole team at Ship Technology Global wishes all of our readers the merriest of holidays, and we'll see you all next year. In the meantime, you can stay up to date with everything at @ShipTechMag.


Editor | Peter Nilson
Writers | Frances Marcellin, Frankie Youd, Luke Christou,

Magazine Designer | William Ingham
Graphic Designers | Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Anett Arc, Noemi Balint, Maria Gimenez, Martina Labaiova, Dimeji Akinkuolie, William Ingham
Lead Designer | John Hammond 

Publisher | Susanne Hauner
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Sales Manager | Prathev Ravi
+44 (0) 207 947 2788

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