We Provide
Safe remotely operated hull cleaning.
We are an underwater hull cleaning provider using state of the art ROV and Waterjet Technology. We continuously develop and operate our own machines to create the best service available.

Time optimizing
Hull cleaning and bunkering during a port call.
We have the ability & flexibility to clean in terminals while vessels are doing cargo & bunkering operation. Together with our ROV technology and cleaning system, this means that we can clean any vessel during a port call.

Digital Cleaning Log
Exact documentation of cle aned area with the DCLTM
Our Digital Cleaning Log allows us to clean both sides of a vessel in terminals, during bunkering and cargo operation without risk for personnel, equipment and vessel. Our DCL also allows us to create cleaning reports with pictures and video from exact locations. This allows our customers to see how their hull and paint performs between cleanings.

Jonas Kaasing Rasmussen
Chief Commercial Officer
19 Pandan Road
609271 Singapore
m: +65 9111 8738
e: jkr@c-leanship.com
w: www.c-leanship.com
New Service!
Inspection with ROV.
C-Leanship is now offering a new service in Singapore waters. Underwater inspection with ROV.
Our reasons for starting inspections is to create a cheaper alternative to market standards. It is faster & safer than conventional inspection.
We aim to do quality inspections, with video and pictures as standard, and deliver reports within hours of completion.
We are able to offer inspection of the Full hull, Bow thruster, Bilge keels, Sea Chest, Propeller, Rudder etc.
Contact us to see how we can help you to keep an eye on your hull performance.