Welcome to the latest issue of Ship Technology Global magazine

Last year, leading figures in the shipping sector made calls for more clarity surrounding environmental regulations. In our cover story, we take a look at the four regulatory cornerstones highlighted by industry.

Elsewhere in this issue, we learn how new underwater tracking technology could reduce fatal whale collisions. We also explore the latest progress being made towards sustainable shipping in one of the industry's hotbeds, Denmark.

We also speak to the CEO of ballast water treatment company Bawat about the imminent shift in ballast water systems due to the incoming regulations from the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention. As well as all this, we consider if China has overplayed its hand in Latin America’s Silk Road, and run down the ten biggest container ships in the world.

For all this and the latest maritime industry news, comment, and analysis from GlobalData, read on. And don't forget to stay up to date with everything at @ShipTechMag.

Peter Nilson, editor