Company Insight

We organise. We safeguard. We enable.

ENTER Consulting is a team with a genuine passion for technology and innovation. They bring decades of collective experience and an excellent track record in the Greek and international ICT markets.

ENTER Consulting provides end-to-end IT solutions that enable businesses to cope with the challenges of the modern business landscape and grow sustainably through Digital Transformation.

ENTER Consulting offers best-of-breed solutions from leading manufacturers in cybersecurity, business continuity/data protection (disaster recovery, DRaaS—BaaS—Cloud services), and intelligent information management. Its services include business consulting, feasibility studies, design, implementation, and support services.

Cyber resilience in the shipping industry

The cybersecurity threat landscape is rapidly evolving and expanding. As attack vectors multiply, from endpoints to networks to the cloud, many enterprises address each vector with a best-in-class solution to protect those specific vulnerabilities. However, these point tools don’t connect the dots across the entire technology stack. As a result, security data is collected and analysed in isolation, without any context or correlation, creating gaps in what security teams can see and detect. Besides, the manual investigation process can often be slow and cumbersome, causing security teams to fall behind in containing and remediating threats.

SentinelOne Singularity XDR

SentinelOne Singularity XDR unifies and extends detection and response capability across multiple security layers, providing security teams with centralised end-to-end enterprise visibility, powerful analytics, and automated response across the complete technology stack. With Singularity XDR, customers can get unified and proactive security measures to defend the entire technology stack, making it easier for security analysts to identify and stop attacks in progress before they impact the business. 

Scale your security team and increase SOC efficiency. SentinelOne Singularity XDR is connected and reporting to RGE SoC Services 24x7.

RGE SoC Services (powered by Cyrebro)

Only a central cyber intelligence solution with sophisticated cross-function detection of suspicious activity can identify the exploitation of systems and processes across an organisation. Only a centralised view of all cybersecurity events can provide prioritised clarity so everyone always knows what’s essential and what to do about it. 

RGE SoC Services monitors all your business systems and security tools, collects and analyses the data, and interprets suspicious events with an attacker’s mindset. Strategic monitoring and detection are achieved through a combination of proprietary detection and response algorithms, plus our team’s extensive knowledge of various monitoring methodologies.

RGE SoC Services creates custom, proprietary rules instead of generic, out-of-the-box ones. Detection and response algorithms are based on specific attributes, not specific systems, so CYREBRO can detect a wide range of threats and cover the attack landscape. Detection attributes are based on the MITRE framework, CYREBRO incident response cases, and our threat research.

RGE SoC Services (powered by Cyrebro) connects to your current solutions through event collectors to collect event data. A vast number of certified CYREBRO integrators are available.

Navigating Efficiency: The Inspect-a

Audit Suite Revolutionises Ship Audits & Inspections

Introducing Inspect-a Audit Suite, a pioneering solution engineered by Auditus to modernise maritime audits. Designed to streamline processes and enhance efficiency, this platform simplifies data management and reporting, ensuring accuracy while alleviating compliance burdens. 

At the heart of Inspect-a Audit Suite lies its user-friendly interface, enabling seamless data collection and analysis. Gone are the days of tedious paperwork; auditors can now efficiently conduct thorough assessments, optimising operational workflows. 

Accessibility is a cornerstone feature of Inspect-a Audit Suite. With offline and online capabilities, auditors can conduct audits anytime, anywhere, even in remote environments with limited connectivity. Real-time data exchange empowers proactive decision-making, fostering operational agility and risk management. 

Moreover, Inspect-a Audit Suite embraces environmental responsibility by reducing paper consumption and promoting sustainable auditing practices. Digitising processes aligns with industry-wide initiatives to minimise environmental impact and embrace a greener future for maritime operations. 

In summary, Inspect-a Audit Suite represents a paradigm shift in maritime auditing. Its intuitive design, regulatory compliance features, and commitment to sustainability set a new standard for efficiency and excellence in ship audits. Join the digital revolution with Inspect-a Audit Suite and confidently navigate the waters of compliance and sustainability.

Contact us for more information on our products and IT solutions.

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Contact information

Enter Consulting 
Syggrou Ave. 106,
Athens Greece - Postal Code 11741

Tel.: +30 210 2241 042