Next issue

ISSUE 70 | May 2020

In the next issue, we trace the timeline of the coronavirus outbreak as it happened, and ask how global shipping has been impacted.

We also explore the financial cost of creating a more environmentally friendly shipping industry, ask whether age discrimination still exists in seafarer recruitment, and explore the causes and technological solutions to battery fires on ships.

Speaking of technology, we examine ICEYE’s Dark Vessel Detection solution designed to help countries monitor shipping activity on their coasts, and find out how photonic marine applications could assist with everything from underwater range-finding to navigation.

Finally, we explore the darker side of shipping with an in-depth look at wildlife trafficking countermeasures being deployed in Tanzania, and map out piracy hotspots worldwide.


Editor | Joe Baker

Commissioning Editor | Daniel Garrun

Writers | Adele Berti, Chris Lo, Varsha Saraogi, Frances Marcellin, Ross Davies 

Magazine Designer | Anett Arc
Graphic Designers | Marzia Del Gaone, Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Noemi Balint, Petra Konyi‑Kiss, Maria Gimenez, Filipe Costa, Martina Labaiova
Lead Designer | John Hammond

Publisher | Susanne Hauner

Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Head of Account Management | Antonio Andonov

+44 (0) 207 936 6943


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